Is Stock or Broth Vegan?
Answer: sometimes Stock and broth refer to richly flavored liquid used for cooking. Soups, stews, gravies and risotto are good examples of recipes that use …
PMA and the Art Of Veganism
Answer: sometimes Stock and broth refer to richly flavored liquid used for cooking. Soups, stews, gravies and risotto are good examples of recipes that use …
Are pancakes vegan? Answer: they certainly can be. Pancakes are a simple breakfast food beloved by kids on snow days, all night diner goers, and …
Answer: Yes. Nutritional Yeast (or nooch as it’s sometimes called) is cultured and deactivated yeast. Which means they let the yeast feed on something for …
Are Twinkies Vegan? Answer: No. Twinkies (the almost lost forever snack cake) contains beef fat and eggs. Not vegan and not worth eating, if you ask …
Is Falafel Vegan? Answer: Yes. And bonus…it’s also delicious. Falafel is typically made from chickpeas and spices, that are formed into balls and deep-fried. Falafel …
No. Cool Whip is not vegan. Originally created in the 1960’s as a ready made “non-dairy” alternative to whipped cream, Cool Whip contains milk products: …