Recipe: Corn & Black Bean Salad
Do you have a 4th of July cookout to attend next weekend? Looking for something to bring that will satisfy your nonvegan friends and family? …
PMA and the Art Of Veganism
Do you have a 4th of July cookout to attend next weekend? Looking for something to bring that will satisfy your nonvegan friends and family? …
As good as this sounds sadly Crabbies Ginger Beer is not vegan. We here at Is It Vegan are from the US, so I had …
No, McVities digestive biscuits are not vegan. Jennie from the UK, recently asked if McVities digestive biscuits were vegan. It seems she’s making a cheesecake …
Ah, Ramen. Staple of college students, struggling artists, and office dwellers. While dried Ramen can be one of the least expensive meals on the block, …
Yes, Sodium Bicarbonate is vegan. Better known as baking soda, this chemical compound is used in a wide variety of applications…from baking cookies to washing …
Yes. Malt extract is vegan. Commonly used in the production of beer, malt extract is a sugar that is extracted from barley.