Is Gelatin Vegan?
Answer: no, not usually. Gelatin is an additive that is frequently used to bind food products or make them jellied or gummy. Most often, it …
PMA and the Art Of Veganism
Answer: no, not usually. Gelatin is an additive that is frequently used to bind food products or make them jellied or gummy. Most often, it …
Answer: No Albumen is another name for egg whites. It can also be referred to as albumin, glair or glaire. Eggs are definitely not vegan …
Let me start by saying, I’m a hot sauce nerd. I like my food spicy. I’m always “kicking it up.” But, I’m also not a …
Answer: no Whey is dairy. It is a by product of cheese production. After the coagulate (often rennet — not even vegetarian friendly) is added …
Remember back in the mid 90s when everything vegan tasted like sawdust and was made out of sunflowers or pixie farts? I feel like gluten-free …
Answer: Yes! My good friend is a Polar Seltzer diehard fan. When he came across the flavors Butter Rum and Egg Nog, he was worried …